Partner Resources

Providing the tools and resources to help you succeed in your business

Partner Resources

Opportunities to Promote Your Business and Save Money

Upcoming Signature Event

Rockwall ISD New Teacher & Employee Welcome Expo

Businessma n sitting in office, using laptop, looking at model of a windwheel

Partnership Guides

Partner Discount Programs and Benefits

Annual Reports

Additional Resources


Step 1:

Click MEMBER LOGIN on the Rockwall Chamber home page

Step 2:

Input your credentials and click LOG IN

*If you do not know your credentials, call The Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce at 972-771-5733*

Step 1:

Sign into your MIC

Step 2:

Click EVENTS located on the top navigation

Step 3:

Click ADD EVENT located on the right hand side

Step 4:

Fill in your event details.

Required fields are: Event Title,Description, Location, Date & Time, Fees & Admission, and Contact info.

If you are adding an image, add under the Description section.

*please keep image to 500 px x 500 px*

Step 5:

Click SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL. This will alert The Chamber Staff that you submitted an event. We will add to our calendar once all info is approved.

Step 1:

Go to the events calendar.

Step 2:

Navigate to the event you wish to register for

Step 3:

Click the blue REGISTER button below the event information

Step 4:

Follow the instructions to register and pay for the event


*If you have any problems registering for an event, call The Chamber Staff at 972-771-5733*