Legislative Priorities
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Legislative Priorities
Keeping the Community Informed

89th Session Legislative Priorities
The Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for business priorities. We believe the most effective way our legislators can confront the challenges facing our community, state and nation is by listening to the business voice. The Rockwall Chamber supports legislation, regulation and public policy that positively impacts the interests of the Rockwall area business community, economic development in Rockwall County and our Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce Partners.
We look forward to working with our legislative delegation to develop a sustainable budget that funds our top priorities necessary for the continued economic growth of this county and discover solutions to our most pressing issues.
Business Regulation
- Promote legislation that reduces red tape and supports business and job growth.
- Promote legislation that limits tax requirements that stifle business growth at all levels.
- Oppose legislation that limits the ability of the business community to engage in electoral and policy-making arenas.
- Oppose unfunded mandates that create taxation on local businesses.
Economic Development
- Protect the economic development sales tax, recognizing that Type A, B and Municipal Development District sales tax have been the primary tool for economic development in the State.
- Support replacement legislation for Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code, allowing Texas school districts the option of limiting school taxes for a defined period to encourage investment from relocating or expanding companies
- Support legislation to continue and maintain the utilization of state and local funds for purposes of economic and community development including but not limited to the Texas Enterprise Fund, Texas Emerging Technology Fund, Section 380 Agreements, and Tax Increment Financing.
- Support policy to prevent the diversion of transportation tax revenue from its intended purpose.
- Promote legislation and funding that maintains and rehabilitates existing and aging infrastructure.
- Advocate for continued support of the county road grant program.
Natural Resources
- Support the Texas State Water Plan to ensure we meet future water supply needs for the State’s rapid population and economic growth, including increased base funding for the SWIFT fund at the Texas Water Development Board.
- Support the Sunset Commission’s review and recommendations for improvements at the Texas Water Development Board, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Public Utility Commission.
- Support clarification of legislative intent on the implementation of water provisions contained in SB3 from the 87th Legislature.
- Support changes in the formation, management and oversight of Municipal Utility Districts that enhances local decision-making authority and control.
- Support the development of plans and public/private partnerships to provide greater broadband connectivity to enhance access to public education, healthcare, employment, news and information.
Public Education
- Advocate for increased funding of the School Safety Allotment and local flexibility to ensure districts can adequately meet student and staff safety needs.
- Support legislation to continue the funding promises made in the 86th legislative session through HB3. Update school finance system and basic allotment using student enrollment rather than attendance. Advocate for legislation that improves and protects funding for facilities.
- Support state funding to elevate the teaching profession, providing for additional teacher and staff compensation and continue the current defined benefit pension program for the
Teacher Retirement System members to address the need for recruitment and retention of high-quality teachers. - Encourage the Texas Legislature to continue to reduce state assessments by eliminating those not required by federal law, reducing testing time, and prohibiting standardized tests from serving as the primary indicator of student and school performance.
- Support consistency in academic accountability, financial accountability, and transparency to the state, taxpayers, or local communities for any entity receiving taxpayer funds for educational purposes.
- Provide stable and predictable funding to support the continued investment in workforce training for Physician, Nurse, Behavioral Health Professionals and Allied Health Professionals to further improve quality of care, patient safety and access to care.
- Support efforts to reduce workplace violence against healthcare workers and support hospitals’ ability to maintain a safe environment.
- Support continued state funding of health and human service programs, including Medicaid reimbursement rates that reduce reliance on supplemental payments and protect access to care.
- Promote access to affordable private health insurance for the uninsured. Continue uncompensated care funding critical to financing safety net hospitals.
- Support legislation that removes the federal prohibition on Medicaid service for patients receiving care in “institutions for mental disease”. Bolster mental health by increasing funding for outpatient care and substance abuse.
- Oppose legislation that limits local control of cities, counties and school districts, and promote decision-making at the city and county level rather than State and Federal levels.
- Support policies that allow the local government to improve the local business community.
- Oppose attempts to limit or prohibit municipalities and counties from using public funds to communicate with legislators and state agencies.
- Oppose unfunded mandates places on local municipalities and counties.